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Facebook changes name to ‘Meta’
facebook改名为“元”As he faces scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators at home and abroad, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday announced a rebrand of the company he founded in 2004.
Our company is now ‘Meta’.
The name change comes as the worlds largest social media company battles criticism over its market power, algorithm, and abuse on its platforms. Speaking at the companys live-streamed virtual and augmented reality conference, Zuckerberg said it reflects the companys ambition to build the “metaverse”, which it bets will be the successor to the mobile internet.
scrutiny /ˈskruːtɪni/ n. 审查, 审视 (Critical observation or examination)
social media 社交媒体
algorithm /ˈalɡərɪð(ə)m/ n. 算法 (A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.)
abuse /əˈbjuːz/ n. 这里指(通过网络传播的)暴力行为 (Cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.)
live-streamed virtual and augmented reality conference 实时流虚拟和增强现实会议metaverse /ˈmɛtəvəːs/ n. 元宇宙,元界。这是一个计算机网络术语,由meta-(更高等级,或第二等级) 和 universe 拼合而成,表示用户可在其中与计算机或其他用户互动的虚拟现实空间 (A virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.)
mobile internet 移动互联网
And youre gonna be able to do almost anything you can imagine - get together with friends and family, work, learn, play, shop, create, as well as entirely new categories that dont really fit how we think about computers or phones today.
A term coined in a dystopian novel three decades ago and now buzzing in Silicon Valley, “metaverse” refers broadly to the idea of a shared virtual environment. The company, which has invested heavily in augmented and virtual reality, said the change would bring together its different apps and technologies under one new brand and would not change its corporate structure.
With about 2.9 billion monthly users, the company has faced increased scrutiny, especially after Facebook employee Frances Haugen leaked documents she said showed the company chose profit over user safety. Zuckerberg earlier this week said the documents were being used to paint a false picture.
coin /kɔɪn/ v. coin作动词的意思是铸币,铸造(发明)新词的意思 (Invent a new word or phrase), 现在各种技术不断推陈出新,社会不断发展变化,这个词经常会用到。
dystopian /dɪsˈtəʊpɪən/ adj. 对应的名词是 dystopia,utopia(乌托邦)的反面,不公而令人痛苦的世界 (Relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.) “Metaverse” 源于科幻小说 Snow Crash,小说中虚拟了一个反乌托邦社会。
virtual environment 虚拟环境
augmented and virtual reality 增强和虚拟现实
the company chose profit over user safety 这里 chose one thing over another是将某事的重要性置于另一件事之上,整句话是说公司将利润置于客户安全之上。
paint a false picture 成语 paint a picture of 意思是如何描述一件事, 这里用了 false, 就是说做了错误的描述。
On Thursday, as Zuckerberg addressed the conference, the company unveiled a new sign at its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, replacing its thumbs up “Like” logo with a blue infinity icon. Its stock ticker will also change to MVRS on Dec. 1, but the companys namesake social media service will continue to be called Facebook.
unveil /ʌnˈveɪl/ v. 揭开面纱, 揭幕, 首次公开 (Show or announce publicly for the first time.)
infinity /ɪnˈfɪnɪti/ n. 无穷大(A number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number; symbol:∞)
stock ticker 股票行情,这里指股票名称
namesake /ˈneɪmseɪk/ n. 同名的人或事(A person or thing that has the same name as another.)欢迎订阅公众号获取更多英文学习材料: