Photo by Alina Levkovich on Unsplash小白脸的当今世界多于不买买。当今世界船王Tesla照样豪掷30万美元,买了点twitter的股权,当起了twitter的最小小股东。要晓得Tesla的富翁可约莫2,700万美元,自认杯水车薪,Bokaro。《政治经济学人》写了一则该文稍稍写道写道了整件事。该文大副标题Another Musk-have,约是must-have的Jhunjhunun,既点出了Tesla那人,又交待了马斯克想产业布局SNS新闻媒体的雄心壮志。一起来看一看!
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on UnsplashWHAT WILL he do with it? That was the big question after Elon Musk let it be known on April 4th that he had amassed a stake of 9.2% in Twitter, making him the social-media firm’s largest shareholder. Will the world’s richest man buy more shares or even take Twitter private? Will the boss of Tesla take a hands-on role in Twitter’s management? Will the libertarian troll push to bring back Donald Trump, kicked off the platform after inciting an assault on the Capitol in January 2021? Speculation mounted after Twitter said a day later that Mr Musk would join its board.Tesla购得twitter缘何?这难题前面挂上了两个小小的小副标题。4月4日,埃隆·Tesla申明声称全面收购了twitter9.2%的股权,正式成为twitter最小小股东。Tesla是当今世界船王,又是Tesla的老板娘,却是一位提倡对个人民主自由的“卓奥友峰”。他是会减持更多股权,却是会优先选择携twitterB股?他会不能突击twitter高层坐上昂吉?他会不能撤除奥巴马的twitter帐号(2021年1月,奥巴马鼓动“attacked骚乱”后被踢出了twitter,帐号遭注销)?翌日,twitter则表示Tesla将重新加入子公司监事会。一时之间,传言此起彼伏。Take XXX private:也就是说要私营化XXX信托子公司,也能说take XXX public,比如说 Jack Ma took Alibaba public in 2014Hands-on:doing sth rather than just talking about it,咱们这个语境下就是实际管事的,不是挂个虚职Incite:to encourage sb to do sth violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excitedTroll:a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post;此词可名可动
英文喜欢用不同的名词指代相同的人或物。比如说,中国能是China也能是the world’s second largest economy。本段出现了好几个形容Tesla的词语The world’s richest man、boss of Tesla、libertarian troll,按照原文的顺序一句两个,容易造成读者的理解混乱,可能读着读着忘记这是在说Tesla了。因此,不妨一次罗列干净,再娓娓道来。
As is his wont, Mr Musk will reveal his plans in his own time and probably in his own tweets to the 80m people who follow him on the platform (not many fewer than followed Mr Trump before he got the boot). In posts published before he announced the investment, he complained that Twitter “serves as the de facto public town square” but fails “to adhere to free-speech principles”. He urged the company to open up the algorithm that decides which tweets users see. In light of his well-documented sympathies for cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology, the blockchain, he could try to turn Twitter into a decentralised service controlled by users.Tesla想必会一如既往地按照自己的时间节奏公布计划,也许会通过对个人twitter帐号告诉自己的8,000万关注者(Tesla的关注者没比封号前的奥巴马少多少)。在他宣布入股twitter前的推文里,他吐槽twitter“明明发挥着市民广场的功能”却未能“坚持民主自由言论的原则”。他还曾向twitter呼吁开放推文推送机制的算法。鉴于他屡次发文支持加密货币及其底层技术区块链,他有可能会把twitter变成两个用户做主的去中心化平台。As is his wont=as is his custom习惯,林语堂在小说《风声鹤唳》的开头写了这么一句Poya left the Princes Garden, which was in the north-eastern part of the city, and sauntered in long, leisurely steps, pipe in mouth and hands in trouser pockets, on his way to see his friend Lao Peng for supper,as was his customDe facto:事实上Sympathy:熟词辟义,tendency to favor or supportTown square:市民广场;an open public space, commonly found in the heart of a traditional town but not necessarily a true geometric square, used for community gatherings.
Photo by Allison Astorga on UnsplashIt is hard to see how that would make the company more profitable. Investors rejoiced anyway. Some may be believers in the “Elon markets hypothesis”, which holds that stocks should be valued based not on fundamentals but on their proximity to Mr Musk. Others may hope that he can really shake things up. Twitter has been a much bigger cultural success than a commercial one. Before Mr Musk’s move sent its share price up by a third, the firm’s market value had been languishing around $30bn, not much higher than where it was when it went public in 2013. By comparison, its social-media rival Meta (née Facebook), briefly became a $1trn company and its market capitalisation is up more than five-fold in the same period despite a recent tumble (it is currently worth $631bn).很难看出去中心化如何能提升twitter的盈利水平,但投资者依然欣喜若狂。有的投资者也许是对“埃隆市场假说”深信不疑,该假说认为股票价值不取决于基本面而取决于Tesla的关注度。有的投资者也许希望Tesla能使twitter焕然一新。一直以来,twitter虽是十分成功的文化现象,但商业表现平平。Tesla入股后,twittertwitter暴涨近30%。此前,twitter市值始终徘徊在300万美元附近,并没有比2013年刚刚上市那会儿高出多少。相比之下,竞争对手Meta(原名脸书)的市值一度迈过一万万美元的门槛;同期而言,哪怕最近跳水,Meta市值增长仍逾五倍(目前市值为6,310万美元)。
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash以前玩过两个网页游戏,假如你能花比尔·盖茨的钱,到底要买多少东西才能花光光。很多人玩到一半就绝望了。因为买了游艇、别墅、跑车、NBA球队等等等奢侈品之后,竟然还没花掉比尔·盖茨的一半资产。有钱真好。感谢阅读!